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Support Us

Make a Donation

One Table Two Chairs (OTTC) is a non-profit charitable organization. (Hong Kong Charity Group No. 91/15368) It is through your support that we can continue to safeguard Chinese opera art forms that are on the verge of extinction. 

Your donation will be used

  • To preserve and promote these folk art forms for our present and future generations to enjoy and experience.

  • To generate interest among young people in these folk art forms and encourage participation, to increase educational activities, to engage in the production of educational audio-visual materials or publications, and to assist schools in setting up mini Chinese opera troupe and interest groups.

  • To conduct research and development of these Chinese folk art forms, including organising international symposia to enhance cultural exchange.

  • To buy opera tickets to be given to charitable organizations to bring more people from the under-privileged sector to the world of these beautiful and elegant folk art forms.

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  • Direct Deposit Donation:

HSBC(a/c no.456-830090-838)

One Table Two Chairs Charitable Foundation Limited

Please WhatsApp the deposit slip to +852 6804 8188

  • FPS 167642172

*Donations of  HK$100 or above are tax-deductible within Hong Kong

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